Auto Sweet Dream Feminised is a virtually pure sativa with generous indoor yields. While the original Sweet Dream was named the sativa queen for its high quality, its autoflowering version deserves the title of the princess of this family.
Auto Sweet Dream Feminised autoflowering feminized cannabis seeds grow into luxurious sativa seedlings, covered with few leaves and lavishly dotted with lush giant buds. Due to the open structure, the bushes have excellent light transmission, which makes it possible to fully develop shoots even on the lower branches of the crop. Ripe cones Auto Sweet Dream Feminised acquire a whitish or silvery hue, as they are covered with a diamond scattering of huge crystals.
For the first time, the hemp mainstream learned about the existence of Auto Sweet Dream Feminised in 1993. However, shortly after his removal, the greenhouses where he grew up were trashed by the police. Later the variety was hybridized again. In the new variation, as in the first version, the genes of Cambodian and Afghani plants are present. However, the updated hybrid has a higher productivity and a relatively long flowering period. Feminized cannabis seeds of the autoflowering variety Auto Kali Mist Feminised, due to their high quality and excellent characteristics, can give shoots that will become the main decoration of any collection.
The unrealistically dense, stone cones of Auto Sweet Dream Feminised captivate with their luxurious fruity-spicy aroma, charm with light sandal strands and leave a fantastic aftertaste. The powerful tonic effect of the variety is complemented by a wonderful soaring rising high. Despite the short-term exposure, the plant is a favorite hybrid of many rastas. The active high of the hybrid is ideal for attending noisy parties and nightclubs.